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Ok. Now I want one.

When I saw how the app Shortcut Buttons lets you put virtual buttons around your home to trigger smart home devices using Apple’s Vision Pro, I was (almost) sold.

This is a use case for the $3,500 head computer I can really get behind (you know, once it doesn't cost $3,500). The lack of new interfaces for the smart home is something I complain about a lot. This might shut me up for a bit.

Check out Matthew Cassinelli’s rundown of how the $8 app works.

<a href= Buttons</em></a><em> lets you set up home automation shortcuts in relevant places. “Easily dim the lights or order food when watching a movie, or start a timer when cooking in the kitchen.”</em>" src="" decoding="async" data-nimg="fill" class="relative top-1/2 mx-auto max-h-full max-w-full visible" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;bottom:0;right:0;box-sizing:border-box;padding:0;border:none;margin:auto;display:block;width:0;height:0;min-width:100%;max-width:100%;min-height:100%;max-height:100%;object-fit:contain"/>


Shortcut Buttons lets you set up home automation shortcuts in relevant places. “Easily dim the lights or order food when watching a movie, or start a timer when cooking in the kitchen.”
Image: Finn Voorhees